[DF]Adam Plachetka,David Švec - 夜之歌 (Evening Songs) 2024 [FLAC/24/96]
著名捷克青年男中音歌唱家Adam Plachetka以德沃夏克、斯美塔那等作曲家的捷克夜曲选集以庆祝捷克音乐年。所有这些歌曲都是根据Vítězslav Hálek的《晚歌》(Večernípísně)的爱情诗创作的,这些歌曲提供了捷克伟大音乐的全景,也放大了鲜为人知的曲目,Plachetka与钢琴家DavidŠvec共同演奏。男中音Adam Plachetka经常光顾世界上最负盛名的歌剧院,是MET的常客,在戏剧和喜剧曲目方面同样得心应手。2022年,他发行了莫里哀,结合了莫扎特和萨列里的歌剧咏叹调。
01. Evening Songs, Op. 3_ No. 1, Those little stars.flac
02. Evening Songs, Op. 3_ No. 2, It seemed to me that you had died.flac
03. Evening Songs, Op. 3_ No. 3, I am the fairy tale knight.flac
04. Evening Songs, Op. 3_ No. 4, When God was in a happy mood.flac
05. Evening Songs, (No Op.)_ Just like the moon.flac
06. Evening Songs, Op. 9_ No. 1, The humming of the trees falls silent.flac
07. Evening Songs, Op. 9_ No. 2, Spring came flying from afar.flac
08. Evening Songs, Op. 31_ No. 1, When I looked up in the sky.flac
09. Evening Songs, Op. 31_ No. 2, You tiny little birds.flac
10. Evening Songs, Op. 31_ No. 3, I am like a linden tree.flac
11. Evening Songs, Op. 31_ No. 4, All of you who are distressed.flac
12. Evening Songs, Op. 31_ No. 5, That little bird.flac
13. Evening Songs, JB 1 116_ No. 1, He who can play the golden strings.flac
14. Evening Songs, JB 1 116_ No. 2, Do not stone the prophets.flac
15. Evening Songs, JB 1 116_ No. 3, I dreamed.flac
16. Evening Songs, JB 1 116_ No. 4, What joy there is in dancing.flac
17. Evening Songs, JB 1 116_ No. 5, From my songs I'll make a throne for you.flac
18. 5 Songs from Evening Songs, Op. 5_ No. 1, The humming of the trees falls silent.flac
19. 5 Songs from Evening Songs, Op. 5_ No. 2, The sky is filled with little stars.flac
20. 5 Songs from Evening Songs, Op. 5_ No. 3, My girl you are so lovely.flac
21. 5 Songs from Evening Songs, Op. 5_ No. 4, Your eye is like a lovely lake.flac
22. 5 Songs from Evening Songs, Op. 5_ No. 5, Spring came fying from afar.flac
23. The night was beautiful.flac
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