2L-061 Schola Cantorum and Nordic Voices - Audiens -2009 [FALC-24-192]
What is the music of the Nordic light? Let yourself be transported to a new world of sound as the chamber choir Schola Cantorum and conductor Tone Bianca Dahl, with guest musicians Are Sandbakken and Nordic Voices, grant you an AUDIENCE. Hear one of Norway's leading choirs in premier recordings and modern classics.
01. Whitacre (Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine
02 Dyrud (Snart kysser hun sin venn i rosenhagen)
03 Christophersen (A Just-finishing Candle)
04 Lauridsen (Se Per Havervi, Oime)
05 Christophersen (Jeg har mitt eget land)
06 Christophersen (Det lukter fugi)
07 Christophersen (Egentlig, hvis paven junne velge)
08 Christophersen (Det er ikke alltid like lett a voere pave)
09 Christophersen (Stadig oftere gar paven ut til hunden)
10 Christophersen (Etablisementets voert)
11 Whitacre (Water Night)
12 Rehnqvist (Bara du gar over markerna)
13 Christophersen (Gjenfodeisen)
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