01. 禅(Zen)
02. 时间的影子(The Shadows of Time)
03. 到彼岸(To the Other Shore)
04. 无边的旷野(The Vast Wilderness)
05. 晨钟(Morning Bell)
06. 悠悠鹿鸣(The Melody of Deer)
07. 梦幻泡影(Dream Bubble)
08. 回望千年(Looking Back a Thousand Years)
09. 萤火虫之舞(Dance of Fireflies)
10. 迷雾(The Mist)
11. 浮生半梦(An Illusory Life of Dream)
12. 莲的一生(The Life of a Lotus)
13. 苏醒(Awakening)
14. 远处的山(The Distant Mountain)
15. 瑞鹤飞舞.慷月调(The Dance of The Auspicious Crane. The Tune of The Moon)
16. 梵花盛开(The Buddha Flower Blooms)
17. 一茶一席(One Tea, One Seat)
18. 空(Emptiness)
19. 泪光(Tears)
20. 暴雨将至(Rainstorm is Coming)
21. 心泉(Heartspring)
22. 驼铃声声(The Sound of Camel Bells)
23. 磬鼓共鸣(Resonance of Inverted Bell and Wooden Fish)
24. 消失的地平线(Lost Horizon)
25. 南方的风(The Wind of the South)
26. 归去来兮(Returning)
27. 如是我闻(As I Have Heard)