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Whiplash was one of the best-selling new soundtracks of 2014-15. The film earned major Oscar accolades with Best Picture and Best Screenplay nominations while winning for Best Supporting Actor.
1. Snare Liftoff - I Want to Be One of the Greats
2. Overture - From -Whiplash-
3. Too Hip To Retire
4. Whiplash
5. Fletcher's Song In Club
6. Caravan
7. What's Your Name - If You Want the Part, Earn It
8. Practicing
9. Invited
10. Call From Dad
11. Accident
12. Hug From Dad
13. Drum & Drone
14. Carnegie
15. Ryan - Breakup
16. Drum Battle
17. Dismissed
18. Good Job - He Was a Beautiful Player
19. Intoit
20. No Two Words
21. When I Wake
22. Casey's Song
23. Upswingin'
24. First Nassau Band Rehearsal - Second Nassau Band Rehearsal - Studio Band Eavesdrop - Studio Band Rehearsal After Breakup
封面: 简介: 东亚唱片 张国荣 - GREATEST HITS 2016 [hr]曲目: 01. 侬本多情 0
封面: 简介: 「每一個發自內心的提問,都是一次真相的燃燒。」 艾怡良Eve Ai全新
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Arrivée Laurent Bardainne 2 Welcome Laurent Bardainne 3
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封面: 购买凭证: 简介: 曲目: 试听: 网盘链接: [readpermhide=101][sell
封面: 简介: 坐不住的向日葵,總在追隨太陽 而坐不住的郁可唯,很「怪」地用一張專
封面: 简介: 红音堂唱片 吴达镕 - 密语 [SQCD] 2018 曲目: 01.白度母心咒 02.药师佛
封面: 简介: Denim & Rhinestones (Deluxe Edition) Carrie Underwood Paru le 22/0
封面: 隱形色是一種保護色。 穿上透明的斗篷,在都市的虛空中,隱隱沉默前行。 看不到
封面: 简介: 柏菲唱片 张勤文 - 心动 [1:1母版直刻] 限量版 2013 曲目: 01.离不开你