Cicada from Taiwan was formed in 2009 consists of violin, cello, piano and acoustic guitar. It's named after Cicada because people are aware of cicada's existence by their sound instead of forms.
In 2013, Cicada began to compose for Taiwan. The theme of “Coastland” was the west coastland, and “Light Shining Through the Sea” was inspired by the east coast and the Pacific Ocean. “White Forest” released in 2017 drew inspiration from marine life such as humpback whales, dolphins, coral reefs and sea turtles.
Cicada walked into the mountain from the ocean on their 10th year and released the hiking journal “Hiking in the Mist”. In 2022, their focus switched to the valleys and forests. “Seeking the Sources of Streams” comprised moments of roaming the mountains.
封面: 专辑简介:20197 2025年维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会1月1日在奥地利首都维也纳金
封面: 简介: 谭咏麟 - 一生中最爱(金曲精选一) [hr]曲目: 01. 一生中最爱 [0:04:
封面: 简介: 本专辑由大提琴四重奏组合La Quartina演绎,收录了阿尔比诺尼的《Adagi
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 The A Team Ed Sheeran 2 You Need Me, I Don't Need You E
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Chinese Ghost Love Story Sze Ting Sham 2 A Tenderness Bey
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Dark Matter Sze Ting Sham 2 The Underground Maze Emily Wo
封面: 专辑介绍:20230 当冬天过去,春天真的会到来吗?万物在复苏以前,会不会倒在
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 秋水伊人 许岚岚 贺绿汀 2 万泉河水清又清 许岚岚 刘长安 3
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 蓝月亮 阿果 龙鲁者 2 这一瞬间 阿果 吉克曲布 3 拉布俄卓 阿
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 有谁共鸣 刘欣如 谷村新司 2 一水隔天涯 刘欣如 于粦 3 情人