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专辑:Topical Dancer
歌手:Charlotte Adigéry
Having first appeared on the scene with a feature on the fantastic soundtrack for the film Belgica (2016) scored by the Dewaele brothers, and then releasing two very well-received EPs (especially 2019's Zandoli which included the hit Paténipat), singer Charlotte Adigéry now launches her first full-length project with Bolis Pupul, her "musical partner" from Deewee, Soulwax's label. The two Belgian artists have decided to tease all intolerant people on Topical Dancer by tackling subjects such as cultural appropriation, racism, sexism and post-colonialism. 'Tease' is a fitting term as it's all done in an extremely funny way with Charlotte Adigéry at the top of her creative game as a lyricist.
On Esperanto, Adigéry scolds isolationists ("Don't say we need to build a wall. Say: I'm a world citizen, I don't believe in borders") with a refined and stylish sense of rhythm. On the funky Blenda, it's the racists who find themselves in the firing line, before the misogynists are addressed on Ich Mwen, Reappropriate and the brilliant Thank You, which ironically blows away the unsolicited opinions of men on women's looks. Musically, this record oozes with the heavy yet chilled sound of Deewee, Soulwax's label/studio in Ghent, with, as always, a mix of genres (electro, pop, no (new) wave...) between hypnotic synths, edgy bass and groovy guitar riffs. Even though tracks such as HAHA (a concept track somewhere between laughter and tears where surrealism peaks) and Making Sense Stop (a slap in the face to all of French pop) are undoubtedly unmissable, it's not easy to pick out individual highlights from this surrealist album, which is as danceable as it is listenable. Funky, caustic, engaged;
01 - Bel DEEWEE
02 - Esperanto
03 - Blenda
04 - Hey
05 - It Hit Me
06 - Ich Mwen (with Christiane Adigéry)
07 - Reappropriate
08 - Ceci n'est pas un cliché
09 - Huile Smisse
10 - Mantra
11 - Making Sense Stop
12 - HAHA
13 - Thank You
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