Classical 32 Tracks 01h 15m 23s It is common to date the beginning of the Renaissance to the mid-14th century. From the ashes of the Black Death emerged a society that was fundamentally changed, and to a large extent saw itself as re-born – formed anew. It cannot be a coincidence that this transformation first took place in the very parts of Europe that had been at the centre of the Roman Empire when at its strongest, in Italy. Florence became the main powerhouse of the new Europe, and from there the Renaissance spread rapidly, bringing an intense cultural flowering to France, England, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. It is from these countries that Nordic Brass Ensemble has assembled the repertoire for "European Tour" – music arranged specially for this ensemble by Hans Petter Stangnes and Stian Aareskjold. Modern brass instruments have a history going back to the Janissaries, the Ottoman sultan’s special military corps. Contact between Renaissance Europe and Islamic culture helped determine how European culture, and in particular its music, would develop in this period. Nordic Brass Ensemble is made up of musicians from symphony orchestras and wind ensembles in the Nordic countries, and it has always played early music.
1. Suite European Tour- I. Mundus et Musica et Totus Concentus
2. Suite European Tour- II. Dit le Bourguygnon
3. Suite European Tour- III. Danza Alta sobre -la Spagna-
4. Suite European Tour- IV. Hopper Dancz -Routi Bouilli-
5. Battalla de Morales
6. Pie Jesu Domine
7. Suite Terpsichore- I. Intro & Gavotte
8. Suite Terpsichore- II. Bransle gay semel
9. Suite Terpsichore- III. Galliard
10. Suite Terpsichore- IV. Ballet
11. Suite Terpsichore- V. Bransle gay
12. Suite Terpsichore- VI. Ballet du Roy
13. Suite Terpsichore- VII. Volte
14. Tristis est anima mea
15. Music from the court of Christian IV- I. Ecco La Primavera
16. Music from the court of Christian IV- II. Flow My Tears
17. Music from the court of Christian IV- III. The King of Denmark's Galliard
18. Circumdede me runt
19. Pavane la Battaglia
20. Jerigonza
21. Holborne Suite- I. Nightwatch
22. Holborne Suite- II. Lullabie
23. Holborne Suite- III. Almaine
24. Holborne Suite- IV. The Funerals
25. Holborne Suite- V. The Fairie Round
26. Dolcissima mia vita
27. Music from the court of Louis XIII- I. Musique de l'enfance du Dauphin
28. Music from the court of Louis XIII- II. Libertas
29. Music from the court of Louis XIII- III. Musique pour le Sacre de Roy
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