Ur is time. Past meets future, young forces are given the chance to carry time forward. Ur is origin. Where we recognise our roots, the past experiences that inform our perspective of the path ahead. Ur is wilderness. The scree clinging to the mountain, hard rock: impassable, majestic and of infinite beauty. Time, origin and nature are core values in "UR". The recordings consist exclusively of commissioned works, written by composers in affiliation with the musical community in Trondheim. The composers have different backgrounds and tonal language, providing this record with a complex and complementary repertoire. Music by Odd Johan Overøye, Øyvind Johan Eiksund, Martin Eikeset Koren, Geir Døhlie Gjerdsjø and Eva Holm Foosnæs.
封面: 专辑简介:20197 2025年维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会1月1日在奥地利首都维也纳金
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Andante e Allegro con fuoco : I. Andante – Roberto Pross
封面: 简介: 码率:4616 曲目: 试听: https://mora.jp/package/43000100/SEXX013
封面: 简介: 乐道唱片 梅小琴 - 共鸣IV·奔流 [1:1黄金母版直刻] 限量版 2024 曲目:
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 if (Live on Love Again Live 2024) Nishino Kana Giorgio Ca
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 I still milet 试听: https://play.qobuz.com/album/yovgsu
封面: 简介: 酷狗音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.多余的眼泪.flac 02.听说你.flac 03.爱一个人
封面: 简介: 星文唱片 曹芙嘉 - 岁月如歌 [1:1母版直刻] 2014 [hr]曲目: 01 如果云
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Richard Strauss: Stimmungsbilder, Op. 9, TrV 128: No. 2,
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Stars Mika Nakashima Daisuke Kawaguchi 2 Will Mika Nakas