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11 Tracks
01h 10m 39s
Acquiring life skills during a challenging, fragile phase of life — learning to belong, to feel seen and included, learning to build friendships — all of this lies at the core of the Nidaros Cathedral Girls' Choir's mission.
The Requiem in Andrew Smith's version, commissioned by the choir and its conductor Anita Brevik, is loosely based on the Roman Catholic mass for the dead. Several of the texts of the traditional Requiem Mass have been replaced, however, with biblical references to the tragic fate of children, reflecting the all-too-frequent conflicts of today in which the young are innocent victims. The musical material in the Requiem takes its inspiration from Gregorian chant. Melodic fragments of the ancient requiem mass can be heard in the background. Trygve Seim's improvising saxophone makes up an integral part of the whole, yet lives a life of its own in close companionship with the singers and Ståle Storløkken on organ.
The palette is expanded with the glorious strings of TrondheimSolistene in Ståle Kleiberg's Hymn to Love and The Light (with Petra Bjørkhaug, organ). These works add dimensions of faith, hope and love. And light too, when all seems dark. In life there are moments to treasure, and challenges to overcome. In the words of Helge Torvund: The light you need exists.
LUX is the conceptual sequel to MAGNIFICAT (nominated Best Surround Sound Album to the 58th GRAMMY Awards)
1. Hymn to Love
2. Requiem- I. Introitus
3. Requiem- II. Precatio
4. Requiem- III. Kyrie
5. Requiem- IV. Plorans ploravit
6. Requiem- V. Hymnum canentes martyrum
7. Requiem- VI. Vox in Rama
8. Requiem- VII. Dominus pascit me
9. Requiem- VIII. Sanctus
10. Requiem- IX. In paradisum
11. The Light(Lyset du treng finst)
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封面: 专辑简介: 曲目: 01. Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40, TrV 190_ I. Der Held.fl
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Sonata for Double Bass and Piano: I. Allegro moderato Szy
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Piano Sonata: I. Lento Alessandro Santoro Claudio Santoro
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 : I. Allegro con brio (
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封面: 辑介绍:20550 陈果2014年最新发烧专辑《喝彩》。 陈果——自幼学习声乐表演,