封面: 简介: 曲目:
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (arr. T. Laurence and J.A. Thomas for choir and orchestra) : How to Train Your Dragon 2: Dragon Racing (arr. T. Laurence and J.A. Thomas for choir and orchestra)
CoPPO Choir / Jonathan Powell
Lincoln (arr. P. Bateman for trumpet and orchestra) : Lincoln: The People's House - With Malice Toward None (arr. P. Bateman for trumpet and orchestra)
James Fountain / John Williams
The Theory of Everything (arr. A. Weeden for piano and orchestra) : The Theory of Everything: Domestic Pressures (arr. A. Weeden for piano and orchestra)
Andy Vinter / Johann Johannsson
Inception (arr. B.P. Eder for orchestra) : Inception: Time (arr. B.P. Eder for orchestra)
Gareth Williams / Hans Zimmer
Into the Woods (arr. P. Bateman for orchestra) : Into the Woods: Ever After - No One Is Alone - Into the Woods (arr. P. Bateman for orchestra)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Stephen Sondheim
The Book Thief (arr. N. Raine for piano, harp and orchestra) : The Book Thief (arr. N. Raine for piano, harp and orchestra)
Andy Vinter / John Williams
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (arr. C. The Bradley for choir and orchestra) : The Hobbit, The Battle of the Five Armies: Ironfoot (arr. C. The Bradley for choir and orchestra)
CoPPO Choir / Howard Shore
The King's Speech (arr. P. Bateman for piano and orchestra) : The King's Speech: The King's Speech (arr. P. Bateman for piano and orchestra)
Andy Vinter / Alexandre Desplat
Paddington (arr. N. Raine for orchestra) : Paddington: Marmalade Harvest - Ringing Doorbells - Thief Chase (arr. N. Raine for orchestra)
Gareth Williams / Nic Raine
War Horse (arr. N. Raine for orchestra) : War Horse: The Reunion (arr. N. Raine for orchestra)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / John Williams
Anna Karenina (arr. A. Purvis for orchestra) : Anna Karenina: Dance with Me (arr. A. Purvis for orchestra)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Dario Marianelli
Frozen (arr. M. Williams for orchestra) : Frozen: Let It Go (arr. M. Williams for orchestra)
Robert Balzar Trio / Martin Williams
Skyfall (arr. N. Raine for flugelhorn and orchestra) : Skyfall: Skyfall (arr. N. Raine for flugelhorn and orchestra)
Niall Keatley / Paul Epworth
封面: 专辑简介:17179 音乐,可以说是人类最初的母语。它先于语言而生,诞生于最天
封面: 专辑简介:17094 音乐,可以说是人类最初的母语。它先于语言而生,诞生于最天
封面: 简介: 龙源唱片 佳明 - 伊人梦 [1:1黄金母版直刻] 限量版 2016 曲目: 01.炊烟
封面: 专辑简介:17180 音乐,可以说是人类最初的母语。它先于语言而生,诞生于最天
封面: 简介:18575 [瑞鸣音乐]张红丽,刘美兰,张耀,刘洪树,史春慧 - 中国音乐地图之听
封面: 简介: 专辑简介:17181 音乐,可以说是人类最初的母语。它先于语言而生,诞生
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Supernova (feat. Jonathan Fritzen) Paul Taylor 2 Tenacity
封面: 专辑简介: 18676 陕西,一片古老而沧桑的土地。5000年前,华夏文明的始祖,黄
封面: 简介: 天艺唱片 张玮伽 - 想入菲菲 [1:1母版直刻] 限量版 2025 曲目: 01.执迷
封面: 曲目简介:19997 满族儿女生活中离不开歌,不论岁时节日,祝福贺寿,凯旋庆功