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Aug 19, 2020 - 19 Tracks - 01h 15m 17s
The title of this recording is inspired by the painter and poet William Blake's collection of poems, Songs of Innocence and of Experience. It is a title that lends itself well to the pieces presented here, exploring as they do themes of light and darkness, life and death, angelic purity and demonic passion. These works are among those most frequently performed by pianists and they have each long been a central part of my own repertoire. They are however, compositions rich enough in their expression to be able to carry a steady stream of new interpretations; interpretations that together constitute a continually changing tradition.
1. Piano Sonata in B Minor, S. 178- I. Lento assai - Allegro energico
2. Piano Sonata in B Minor, S. 178- II. Andante sostenuto
3. Piano Sonata in B Minor, S. 178- III. Allegro energico - Andante sostenuto - Lento assai
4. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Von fremden Ländern und Menschen
5. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Kuriose Geschichte
6. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Hasche-Mann
7. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Bittendes Kind
8. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Glückes genug
9. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Wichtige Begebenheit
10. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Träumerei
11. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Am Kamin
12. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Ritter vom Steckenpferd
13. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Fast zu ernst
14. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Fürchtenmachen
15. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Kind im Einschlummern
16. Kinderszenen, Op. 15- Der Dichter spricht
17. Sonata No. 23 in F Minor, Op. 57- I. Allegro assai(Appassionata)
18. Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57- II. Andante con moto(Appassionata)
19. Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57- III. Allegro ma non troppo – Presto(Appassionata)
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