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This one's particularly important to me. My real introduction to Saint-Saens was through my fifth grade music teacher sitting us all down and playing Danse macabre for us, from this CD (you don't forget that cover art when you're a fifth-grader), out of a silly looking boombox. I would've been nine, I think. And it freaked me out. Not like a "I saw The Sixth Sense when it was released as a kid and it freaked me out." This was more of a "THIS IS MY HAPPENING AND IT FREAKS ME OUT" deal. I was sat among a group of indifferent nine year olds while my head split open and all these bats started swooping in from a little black boombox. It was awesome.
I found this particular CD two or so years later, if I had to guess, and I still listen to it fairly regularly. It's a hell of a lesson on counterpoint, dynamics, arranging, harmony, and a whole lot else. Phaeton's probably my favorite out of the whole set, although Danse macabre and La jeunesse d'Hercule are also both totally untouchable, with the violin holy shittery of Introduction et Rondo capriccioso and the blurry, sexy and Cuban-smothered Havanaise being four and a half star runner-ups.
Never been big on Le rouet d'Omphale, which is a bit dainty, or Marche heroique, which isn't nearly as exciting as the rest of the set. But that's about it.
01 Kyung-Wha Chung - Danse macabre
02 Kyung-Wha Chung - Phaeton
03 Kyung-Wha Chung - Le rouet d'omphale
04 Kyung-Wha Chung - Introduction et Rondo capriccioso
05 Kyung-Wha Chung - Havanaise
06 Kyung-Wha Chung - La Jeunesse D'Hercule
07 Kyung-Wha Chung - Marche heroique
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