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本帖最后由 後現代存在主義 于 2022-6-5 21:05 编辑
The Path of the Clouds, Marissa Nadler's ninth solo album, is the most stylistically adventurous, lyrically transfixing, and melodically sophisticated collection of songs in her already rich discography. Gripped by wanderlust while suddenly housebound at the start of the pandemic in 2020, Nadler escaped into writing, and came back with a stunning set of songs about metamorphosis, love, mysticism, and murder. Blurring the line between reality and fantasy and moving freely between past and present, these 11 deeply personal, self-produced songs find Nadler exploring new landscapes, both sonic and emotional.
1. Bessie Did You Make It
2. The Path Of The Clouds
3. Couldn't Have Done the Killing
4. If I Could Breathe Underwater
5. Elegy
6. Well Sometimes You Just Can't Stay
7. From Vapor to Stardust
8. Storm
9. Turned Into Air
10. And I Dream of Running
11. Lemon Queen
封面: 辑介绍:20550 陈果2014年最新发烧专辑《喝彩》。 陈果——自幼学习声乐表演,
封面: 简介: 旅行者们大家好,《原神》第二张须弥篇OST《啁哳流变之砂 The Unfath
封面: 简介: 全新的『未来』专辑,承载着方大同的对这世界的希望以及对音乐的梦想。
封面: 简介: 一股音乐新势力 正在隐然成型 2007年音乐人最期待的创作者 悄然袭台
封面: 专辑简介:20561 这套高桥悠治肖像专辑的第二辑收录了他的世界首演录音,汇集
封面: 专辑简介:20559 一支充满火山爆发般能量的五重奏乐队,由一群极富个性女孩组
封面: 专辑简介:20562 2028 年,音乐界将纪念弗朗茨·舒伯特逝世 200 周年。为纪念
封面: 专辑简介:20560 2022 年春,奥列格·谢贝塔-德拉甘在欧登塞卡尔-尼尔森国际
封面: 专辑介绍:20554 刘德丽2014年最新发烧专辑 心声。 声音通透,高度传真,歌声
封面: 简介: 丢弃摇篮,走入必经的成人礼 「我」成为「坠落街」的新房客 人群如巨物