简介: 专辑:China Blue 青花蓝(逆水寒X景德镇联动推广曲) 歌手:肖恩Shaun Gibson & Jasmine茉莉花 流派:OTHER其他 语言:英语 唱片公司:独立发行 唱片类型:Single 专辑简介:逆水寒X景德镇联动推广曲 歌词: Eyes closed take me back to those glory days 双眸一闭 思绪翻飞是往昔 On the mountain tops in the emerald haze 巍巍山巅漫卷烟云雾霭 See the wisp of smoke rising through the rays 坐看青烟渐消隐 As the sun begins to fade 弥散在初升的朝阳 Oh I can still smell the scent of the misty rain 我仍能嗅到那梅雨芳香 Hear the drip drops trickle down to the lane 听取雨水滴落石板脆响 Like the sound of a thousand voices made 寰宇间万千声响 To soothe the silence of pain 拭去寂静的空荡 When we were kids we said we’d run away 儿时我们立誓要踏遍江湖 Find a place where we could hideaway 寻一隅静好躲藏 We’d just follow our feet, and forge a path that would lead 信步前行 跟随心的方向 Us to the land of make believe 坚信终会到达那梦中的地方 If I painted you in China blue 若我绘靛蓝青花 On the white porcelain I made for two 于那致你我的白瓷之上 Then we’d always be together 我们的未来 In that place where we once grew 便不会离开我们成长的故土 So I’ll paint you in our favourite view 若我信笔描下你最爱的风景 By the waterside neath the cloudy hue 在那千阳和煦中 在那水泊近旁 There we’ll live inside this dream forever 我们就会永远在这美梦中徜徉 A world to hold onto 在这世上 I’m always there with you 我定陪伴在你身旁 Eyes closed fly away from these lonely days 双眸闭阖 想掠过这孤独时日 Now we both have to walk in our own separate ways 只可惜 我们是时候各赴前程 Selling time all the while for financial gains 夜以继日 只为户头银两 Both trapped inside life’s maze 这生活的迷宫 将你我束缚 Tried to remember the scent of that misty rain 试图从回忆里翻出那烟雨的芳香 But I can’t smell anymore through the city’s haze 但汴京的气息已充填了我的鼻腔 It’s like I’ve lost part of myself in so many ways 我失去了太多自我 Yet my reflection still remains 唯有残影停滞江湖 When we were kids we said we’d run away 儿时我们立誓要踏遍江湖 Find a place where we could hideaway 寻一隅静好躲藏 But now the faster I run the further along I become 可是不停的闯荡让我踽踽而行 To being just a little more gone 逐渐远离我们熟识的故乡 独自等候千年绯云谷 璨然青花如墨染尺素 信手勾勒当初 前尘旧物 谁人解心诉 只愿守得来生卿如初 恰如惆怅别情烟雨顾 看尽日出日暮 月华朝露 沧桑又几度 唯真情不相负 So I’ll paint you in that China blue 我会用那靛蓝青花状摹你的模样 To remind me when I’m missing you 在思念潮涌时 告诉我 That the river flows into the ocean 当江河流入海洋 And leads straight back to you 不久也会淌进你心房 曲目:China Blue 青花蓝(逆水寒X景德镇联动推广曲)——04:21 试听(个人觉得歌还不错,推荐一下子): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bv41177Lx P.s:女声部分是歌手妹妹的声音,没错,歌手和他妹妹是喜欢中国音乐的英国人,而且都是b站UP主 网盘链接:
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