2001年梶浦凭借TV动画《NOIR》中独具个人特色的精良配乐开始被广大动画迷所知晓,之后为《骇客时空》《机动战士高达SEED》《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》《舞-HiME》《翼·年代记》《空之境界》《潘多拉之心》《魔法少女小圆》《Fate Zero》《刀剑神域》《亚尔斯兰战记》《Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]》《Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel]》等人气动画谱写的歌曲和配乐都大受好评,在工作量激增的同时知名度也不断地上升,和菅野洋子、新居昭乃、冈崎律子一起被动漫fans并称为“日本动漫音乐界的四大才女”。
01. the legend of the blue eyes.m4a
02. a symptom of something wrong.m4a
03. Paris, the city of light.m4a
04. a happy moment.m4a
05. in the city of flowers.m4a
06. the destiny waltz.m4a
07. never let anyone steal your true name.m4a
08. a curse-bearer.m4a
09. inverse operation.m4a
10. I was moved!.m4a
11. I will save you without fail!.m4a
12. I met him and he met me.m4a
13. when we three were together.m4a
14. I was amazed!.m4a
15. a snake in the grass.m4a
16. making a search.m4a
17. another peaceful day.m4a
18. a young noble.m4a
19. the crimson gauntlet.m4a
20. he met her and she met him.m4a
21. Is this love_.m4a
22. let's go on a date!.m4a
23. Paris, the city of darkness.m4a
24. she sings.m4a
25. look, here comes the parade.m4a
26. at the ball.m4a
27. she is a noble lady, my childhood friend.m4a
28. a fang of the Queen.m4a
29. a nobleman and his darkness.m4a
30. the covenant of blood.m4a
31. what my master said.m4a
32. now our story begins.m4a
33. I am Vanitas.m4a
34. and who are you_.m4a
35. there were calm days.m4a
36. my lost friend.m4a
37. trapped in the past.m4a
38. le chasseur.m4a
39. romantic battle.m4a
40. a speech of a madman.m4a
41. a young hunter.m4a
42. the tale of the beast.m4a
43. the ducal family.m4a
44. the automatons.m4a
45. she is our Queen.m4a
46. the alteration device.m4a
47. the sunlight and your solitude.m4a
48. a faithful man.m4a
49. we still can go together.m4a
50. if the time comes I'll kill you.m4a
51. why did you kill our father_.m4a
52. we can't choose how we live.m4a
53. if you want to save her.m4a
54. the gears of destiny.m4a
封面: 简介: 雨果唱片 刘星 - 远去的村庄 2024 曲目: 01.漫步的羊儿 02.漂流的小舟
封面: 简介: ABC唱片 群星 - 真毒·顶尖发烧古典 [6N纯银镀膜] 2017 曲目: 01 Tritt
封面: 简介: ABC唱片 张瑜 - 自言自语 [SACD] 2024 曲目: 01.同桌的你 02.不知为什
封面: 简介: 曲目: 试听:[mq_netease]https://music.163.com/#/album?id=265061708
封面: 简介: 曲目: 网盘链接: **** 本内容需购买 ****
封面: 简介: 滚石唱片 赵传 - 赵传奇 [SACD] 2022 [hr]曲目: 01 成全 02 我终於失去
封面: 简介: 东亚唱片 张国荣 - GREATEST HITS 2016 [hr]曲目: 01. 侬本多情 0
封面: 简介: 曲目: 1 Autumn Moon on a Calm Lake Lang Lang Lü Wencheng 2 Snow
封面: 简介: 1996年、東京都生まれ。日本大学藝術学部映画学科卒業。 2013年、映画
封面: 简介: 酷狗音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.断线的风筝.flac 02.孤单栀子花.flac 03.你的