01. Mass for Double Choir 1.Kyrie
02. Mass for Double Choir 2.Gloria
03. Mass for Double Choir 3.Credo
04. Mass for Double Choir 4.Sanctus
05. Mass for Double Choir 5.Agnus Dei
06. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 1. Zvìstování (The Annunciation)
07. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 2. Sen (The Dream)
08. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 3. Snídaní Panny Marie (Breakfest of the Virgin Mary)
09. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 4. Obraz Panny Marie (Portrait of the Virgin Mary)
10. Ariel (Shakespeare_ The Tempest) No. 1. Ariel's Song, _Come unto these yellow sands_
11. Ariel (Shakespeare_ The Tempest) No. 2. Full fathom five
12. Ariel (Shakespeare_ The Tempest) No. 3. Before you can say, Come and Go
13. Ariel (Shakespeare_ The Tempest) No. 4. You are three men of sin
14. Ariel (Shakespeare_ The Tempest) No. 5. Where the bee sucks, there suck
15. Romance z pampeli?ek (Romance of the Dandelions), H. 364
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.忘却难.flac 02.道不破.flac 03.子孙满堂.flac
封面: 简介: 曲目: 试听: 网盘链接: **** 本内容需购买 ****
封面: 简介: 曲目: 试听: https://hi-resmusic.sonyselect.kuke.com/page/album.h
封面: 专辑简介:19798 卡利奥佩铜管乐团是一个非营利组织,致力于娱乐和教育的双重
封面: 专辑简介:19803 钢琴家鲁道夫·布赫宾德(Rudolf Buchbinder)与他的朋友、
封面: 专辑简介:19804 皮亚佐拉的创作是一种独特的风格,他将阿根廷本土探戈与古典
封面: 专辑简介:19802 这张唱片的一大特色是丹尼尔·贝勒(Daniel Behle)为男高音
封面: 专辑简介:19799 TRIO GAON在本张专辑中以德彪西、拉威尔、莉莉·布劳恩格和
封面: 专辑简介:19800 如果第19号和第23号钢琴协奏曲是这一系列中最著名的作品之一
封面: 简介: 究極の美。現代の巨匠ピアニスト、エル=バシャが奏でるバッハの傑作。