What we call Gregorian chant is old music. By the 13th century most of it was already composed. It is the church's oldest musical treasure, and is the word of God spoken, and prayers prayed, in a language where the word is lifted and born on wings of exquisite beauty. It is not just a language of words, but a meeting of words and melody in an expression of extraordinary power. Gregorian chant developed over a long period of oral transmission from generation to generation. If there is an evolutionary theory for artistic expression, a sort of "survival of the fittest", it can certainly be used about Gregorian chant. Many of these melodies are so unbelievably beautiful; it is as if we sense divine participation in their creation. There is an air of mysticism in this music, which more and more people are seeking as a setting for meditation and prayer.
01 Salus eterna
02 Congaudentes exultemus
03 Nato canunt omnia
04 Introitus til St. Agatha Gaudeamus
05 Alleluia Letabitur iustus
06 Laudes debitas Deo
07 Victimae pascali laudes
08 Lux illuxit, St. Hallvard
09 Alleluia Quoniam Deus
10 Psallat ecclesia
11 Ecce pulcra
12 Martiris eximii
13 Probasti
14 Stola iucunditatis
15 Virgini Mariae
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