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本帖最后由 大姐夫 于 2022-2-10 16:15 编辑
11 Tracks
40m 51s
At first, Sophie Zelmani's fourth album may sound laid-back and a little vague. But listen to it closely, at a high volume,
and the air of being laid-back disappears, instead revealing a very sensitive album, intense in a careful
and seemingly shy way. As usual, Lars Halapi is the producer and the sound is similar to his previous efforts with
Zelmani -- a bit more solemn than Time to Kill, more country than the debut, and with some songs even more
reminiscent of Dylan's Oh Mercy and Time Out of Mind than Precious Burden was. Commercially speaking,
Zelmani should probably release something more different, something that would produce headlines and make
it easy to differentiate between her albums, but artistically she has shown an unusual and determined development
despite her clearly confined style. There may be a few more steps to take when it comes to her lyrics, but although
Zelmani uses some standard phrases, she does manage to fill them with considerable sincerity. The other possible
complaint is the perhaps overly consistent mood of the album (and of her last two albums), but Zelmani and Halapi
have come close to perfecting this melancholy and sparse country-esque sound, as can be heard in "Once," a duet with
Freddie Wadling.
1. Oh Dear(Album Version)
2. How's Your Heart Doing(Album Version
3. Going Home(Album Version)
4. People(Album Version)
5. Once(Album Version)
6. Breeze(Album Version)
7. Sing and Dance(Album Version)
8. Yes I Am(Album Version)
9. Moonlight(Album Version)
10. Gone With the Madness(Album Version)
11. How It Feels(Album Version)
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