Film Soundtracks 2 Tracks 31m 49s "The music, for me, represents different feelings and different characters. Schumann's Träumerei and Schubert's Second Piano Trio express Miss Julie's yearnings, while Arensky's First Piano Trio is John's music. Towards the end of the film Bach's Second Cello Suite is heard. It's about forgiveness. Reconciliation. There is grace to be had when everything is lost. This is something I know, it's what I have experienced, what I have seen. The mystery of life is something music can give us. I have a deep faith in life – its meaning, its purpose. Only Bach can give us this, in regions where words are no longer of any use. Arve Tellefsen, Truls Mørk and Håvard Gimse are three wonderful artists who, through their music-making, can open our minds – our deepest perception – and make visible what our eyes cannot see. It's about being involved at a profound level. That is what I want this film to do: to tell us who we are, and why we are. This would be impossible without music." – Liv Ullmann
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.最可爱的人.flac 02.天堂旅行团.flac 03.暗恋.f
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.就算.flac 02.我不再.flac 03.故长安.flac 04.
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.你以为你是谁.flac 02.那就错过.flac 03.野花做
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.如果思念有生命.flac 02.秋分 (风起风停风无痕)
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.没等到春天就凋零.flac 02.借过.flac 03.想哭就
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.从开始到结束.flac 02.最冷的不是雪.flac 03.看
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.像风一走就是八千里.flac 02.淋雨想你.flac 03.
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.她的梦.flac 02.为爱破冰.flac 03.一晌贪欢.fla
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.想得太简单.flac 02.散落烟火.flac 03.最后一次
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.美丽的神话 (烟嗓版).flac 02.明天过后.flac 03