Jazz Aug 9, 2014 - One track - 10m 28s Gloria in Excelsis Deo - the song of the angels announcing Christ's birth - given here in a powerful version, simple and beautiful, for choir and saxophone by Norwegian composer Frøy Aagre. At times deeply meditative, at times sparkling with energy, this is a Gloria with roots in both the classical and jazz traditions. Frøy Aagre and the choir Schola Cantorum with their conductor Tone Bianca Sparre Dahl are all artists who make a point of trying to communicate directly with an audience. In this audio production from 2L, the listener seems to be among the players. This makes for a very special listening experience - you are captivated by the music's vitality and calm in Uranienborg Church, and by Frøy Aagre's expressive saxophone that provides the linear storytelling impetus to the music.
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.最可爱的人.flac 02.天堂旅行团.flac 03.暗恋.f
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.就算.flac 02.我不再.flac 03.故长安.flac 04.
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.你以为你是谁.flac 02.那就错过.flac 03.野花做
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.如果思念有生命.flac 02.秋分 (风起风停风无痕)
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.没等到春天就凋零.flac 02.借过.flac 03.想哭就
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.从开始到结束.flac 02.最冷的不是雪.flac 03.看
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.像风一走就是八千里.flac 02.淋雨想你.flac 03.
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.她的梦.flac 02.为爱破冰.flac 03.一晌贪欢.fla
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.想得太简单.flac 02.散落烟火.flac 03.最后一次
封面: 简介: QQ音乐HR音源 曲目: 01.美丽的神话 (烟嗓版).flac 02.明天过后.flac 03